Category Archives: Uncategorized

Adding a Discord server

There now also is a Discord server where people can discuss all things LibrePlan. You can find it through this invitation link.

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Finishing up migration of servers

Sometimes you have to clean house, sort a speak. This time is not different. So we migrated servers to a new infrastructure. I know, where not just there yet, but it´s getting close.

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Latest PR from Tristan Ramseyer adds nice fixes

With the acceptance of the latest PR from Tristan Ramseyer it is again possible to compile with execution of Libreplan’s many unit tests. Also, the files to define GitHub build actions got improvements. This means with every proposed commit we … Continue reading

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Demo site up and running again!

So, the demo site is up and running again. That’s it. That’s the news. Ok, we also added the first small GitHub actions for automatically build the code to see if it compiles. But that´s absolutely it. Ok, we … Continue reading

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Still breathing

After two years of a global pandemic, saying “still breathing” has a whole new load to it. On our end we are slowly starting up. We have a running version with the latest commits that we are currently testing. I … Continue reading

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Development postponed due to Covid19

As you all know the world is suffering from a global pandemic. At first that seem not to interfere with our development efforts, but it recently has started to impact our development team. Because someones health is way more important … Continue reading

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LibrePlan mentioned in project management article

LibrePlan has been mentioned in a recent article on the website. In the article the author compares numerous open source project management applications in a good and fair way. In short: excellent reading material. The article can be found … Continue reading

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Presenting a new version of the LibrePlan Quickstart Guide

The first thing I wrote when I started working on LibrePlan back in 2012 was a simple quickstart guide. The initial version being in Dutch only but quickly translated to English. Today, after a thorough review and some updates I … Continue reading

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Progress report: Demo server back online, developer joining the team.

Hi, No sales or marketing bullshit story, just the plain and simple facts: LibrePlan Demo server is (back) online at New developer added to the team. That’s it for now. Have a nice day,Jeroen Baten

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LibrePlan, a review of the year 2020

T’is the season to be jolly (Christmas) which also means you start to look back during the last days of a year and see what has happened. So, what did happen in 2020? Obviously Corona/Covid19/Sars-Cov-2 happened. To us, as well … Continue reading

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