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User permissions

LibrePlan is a multiuser program. It allows you to grant and to revokepermissions to different users depending on the roles they perform in the planning process.

LDAP Authentication

LibrePlan has two authentication systems:

  • Database. It is the default authentication system.
  • LDAP. It allows the access of the accounts hosted in a company directory. You even can map the LDAP permissions to LDAP roles.


LibrePlan has a printing system which captures the Gantt chart in an image which can be inserted in any document or printed directly very easily.

You can configure the information you desire to print: the resource assignments, progress values, labels, etc

Configurable Labels

LibrePlan provides labels as a flexible way to identify and sort tasks in the planning projects.

Users can create labels and use them to filter results in the Gantt charts or in the reports.

Quality assurance

LibrePlan allows you to perform quality control by using quality forms. They arechecklists that you attach to any WBS task and that you fill during project execution.

Even you are furnished with the possibility to use quality form checklists as a way to measure the task progress


LibrePlan helps you to manage the materials needed by tasks. Users can track what they need, in which amount, at which date must be received, when they arrive, etc

Queue-based resources planning

In LibrePlan there is a special type of resources which can be used to allocate queue-based tasks. They are called queue-based resources. This is similar to a normal printer. It can only do one task at a time, and task are handled one after the other.

They have two key features:

  • They do not permit overtime.
  • Allocations are managed from a resource centered approach instead of project centered approach. You assign from a single point all the tasks assigned to a resource